Friday 22 January 2016

Headmaster @ BA Pitzemburg teaching History

The headmaster @ BA Pitzemburg (Belgium) is teaching history in Erasmus+ project DIG_IT.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

The project is visible in the main hall @ Pitzemburg in Belgium.

Sunday 10 January 2016

The Finnish DIG_IT - group has been studying some history to be able to create realistic avatars. First, before Christmas, our very own Jukka gave them a revision lesson on Finnish history related to our particular time period of 1815-1915.

This week we got plenty of insightful information from an experienced historian Martti Asunmaa. This retired history teacher has published a great many studies on local history and was able to paint us a vivid picture of Haukipudas and Oulu in olden days.

The first Facebook pages of our avatars are soon to be published.

Friday 8 January 2016